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Adkinson, William F., Jr., Erik T. Heinecke and Thomas M. Lenard. The Digital Economy Fact Book. 5th ed. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, August 2003.
Lassman, Kent. The Digital State 2002: How State Governments Use Digital Technologies. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, November 2002.
Adkinson, Jr., William F. and Albert Tramposch. Digital Online Content: Creating a Market That Works. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, September 2002.
Adkinson, Jr., William F., Jeffrey A. Eisenach, and Thomas M. Lenard. The Digital Economy Fact Book. 4th ed. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, August 2002.
Adkinson, Jr., William F., Jeffrey A. Eisenach, and Thomas M. Lenard. Privacy Online: A Report on the Information Practices and Policies of Commercial Web Sites. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, March 2002.
Lassman, Kent. The Digital State 2001. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, January 2002.
DeLong, James V. "Defending Intellectual Property." In Copy Fights. Cato, 2002.
Raul, Alan C. Privacy and the Digital State: Balancing Public Information and Personal Privacy. Kluwer Academic Publishers, November 2001.
Horrigan, John, Thomas M. Lenard, and Stephen McGonegal. Cities Online: Urban Development & the Internet. The Progress & Freedom Foundation and PEW Internet & American Life Project, November 2001.
Eisenach, Jeffrey A., Thomas M. Lenard, and Stephen McGonegal. The Digital Economy Fact Book. 3rd ed. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, August 2001.
Eisenach, Jeffrey A. and Randolph J. May, eds. Communications Deregulation and FCC Reform: Finishing the Job. Kluwer Academic Publishers and The Progress & Freedom Foundation, August 2001.
Lenard, Thomas M. and Paul H. Rubin. Privacy and the Commercial Use of Personal Information. Kluwer Academic Publishers, July 2001.
Eisenach, Jeffrey A. and Thomas M. Lenard. The Digital State 2000. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, September 2000.
Eisenach, Jeffrey A., Thomas M. Lenard, and Stephen McGonegal. The Digital Economy Fact Book. 2nd ed. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, August 2000.
Lenard, Thomas M. "Creating Competition in the Market for Operating Systems: A Structural Remedy for Microsoft." The Progress & Freedom Foundation, January 2000.
Luntz, Frank I. Digital Iowa: How Citizens Assess the Digital Revolution. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, December 1999.
Eisenach, Jeffrey A., Robert P. Frommer, and Thomas M. Lenard. Digital New Hampshire: An Economic Factbook. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, December 1999.
Luntz, Frank I. Digital New Hampshire: How Citizens Assess the Digital Revolution. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, October 1999.
Carmel, Erran, Jeffrey A. Eisenach, and Thomas M. Lenard. The Digital Economy Factbook. 1st ed. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, August 1999.
Eisenach, Jeffrey A. and Thomas M. Lenard, eds. Competition, Innovation and the Microsoft Monopoly: Antitrust in the Digital Marketplace. Kluwer Academic Publishers, February 1999.
Executive summary to The Digital State 1998: How State Governments Are Using Digital Technology. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, September 1998.
Esbin, Barbara. Internet Over Cable: Defining the Future In Terms of the Past. FCC Office of Plans and Policy Working Paper No. 30, re-published in 7 CommLaw Conspectus 37, August 1998.
Block, Michael K. and Thomas M. Lenard. Deregulating Electricity: The Federal Role. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, April 1998.
Block, Michael K. "Deregulating Electricity: Progress in the States." The Progress & Freedom Foundation, March 1998.
The Digital State. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, August 1997.
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